Arman Samimi:
Artificial Intelligence Engineer
E-mail: samimi@hash-tech.co
Artificial Intelligence
Degree Name: Master's degree
Software Engineering
Degree Name: Bachelor of Engineering
Educational History
Artificial Intelligence
- Field Of Study: Image Restoration with Light Field Technology by a hand-held camera Dates attended or expected graduation: 2013 – 2016
- Research Interests:
- Computational Photography - Light Field Technology
- Image Processing - Video Stabilization
- Neural Network - LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory Neural Network) - Deep Neural Network - RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)
- Robotics & Computer Vision
- Pattern Recognition - Semi Supervised Hierarchical Clustering
- Genetic Algorithm - Parent Selection Pressure Auto-Tuning for Tournament Selection in Genetic Programming
Computer Engineering - Software Engineering
- Field Of Study: Object Recognition in Images Dates attended or expected graduation 2008 – 2012
- Membership of Iran's National Elites Foundation
- Membership of Rouyan Robotic Team for 2 years (Islamic Azad University - Tehran North Branch)
- 4th Place in German Open International Robocup Competition 2011 with Rouyan Robotic Team
- 4th Place in fifth Period of Iran Open International Robocup Competition 2010 with Rouyan Robotic Team
- 4th Place in third Period of Khaarazmi Robotic Competition (= second Period of AmirKabir Technology University Robotic Competition) with Rouyan Robotic Team
- 4th Place in ACM Programming Competition in Isfahan University of Technology (2014)
- Member of ‘Robaatice Azad’ Team (3D football Simulation 2013)
- Membership in Computer Scientific Association for 5 years (Islamic Azad University - Tehran North Branch)
Genetic Algorithm
Parent Selection Pressure Auto-Tuning for Tournament Selection in Genetic Programming - Big Data
Study of HADOOP & CouchDB toolbox with different data set - Expert System
Advisor (Medical Advisor Project) - Neural Network
LSTM Neural NetworkI studied LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) Nerual Network and Implemented it in MATLAB. - Pattern Recognition
Semi Supervised Hierarchical ClusteringI studied Semi Supervised Hierarchical Clustering (Pattern Recognition) and then i Implemented this algorithm in MATLAB.
- Decision Support System (DSS): DSS for Risk Management (Cross-Country petroleum pipeline project in India)
- Big Data: - Survey and Framework - Efficient processing of keyword queries over graph databases for finding effective answers
- Expert System: -Prospector (minerial expert system) -JESS (Java Expert System Shell)
- Bachelor of Science Thesis: Study of Object Recognition Algorithms in images, (Dr. Behrooz Gholizadeh )
- Master Thesis: Image Restoration with light field technology by a hand-held camera (Dr.mohamad ali Montazeri) Video Stabilization: Disparity Map Computation
- ICEE 2017 – Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering – Title: “Disparity Map Estimation with Light field technology by a Hand-held camera” , 2017
- Patent in Iranian Office of Registry - ip.ssaa.ir - Title: “Disparity Map Estimation with Light field technology by a Hand-held camera” , 2017
Work / Skills
- Advanced Google Analytics (2018)
- Google Analytics for Beginners (2018)
- MCITP (Ariana Institute) (2011-12)
- Network+ (Technical Institute of Tehran) (=Mojtameh Fanni Tehran) (2009)
- C++ course pass at Mehrpouyan Institute (2004)
- VB.Net course pass at Mehrpouyan Institute (2005)
- Cooperation as AI Specialist, with Hash-Tech Conmpany (2019-Present)
- Cooperation as AI and SEO Specialist, web developer with Raymand company (www.dtr-co.com) (2018-2019)
- Cooperation as SEO Specialist, IT-man and web developer with ASANTAK company (www.asantak.co) (2017-2018)
- Cooperation as Web Developer and Software Analysis Manager with CPOL Company (“Pishroo andishe pardaze CPOL” www.cpol.co/) (2016-2017)
- Programming with LABView Language in Tehran University Motor Laboratory (2009-2010)
- 5 years’ experience in web developing – Free Lancer (2014-2018)
- 5 years Cooperation as IT-man and web developer with few company (“Zarakhsh-niroo-pishroo”, “Sepanta-polymer-sharif”, “Mehrpadin”, “Vajar-pardaz” , “Bvar”) (2014-2017)
- Deep Learning Programming: Python, Tensorflow, OpenCV, Keras, NumPy, SciPy, Annaconda
- AI services Analyzing
- Have Experience of working with MATLAB to implement AI concepts : Neural Network, Genetic Algorithm, Pattern Recognition
- Image Processing: Ability to work with Image Processing Algorithms: Edge detection, Segmentation, etc.
- Evolutionary Algorithms / Swarm Intelligence Genetic algorithm, Genetic programming, Evolutionary programming, Evolution strategy particle swarm optimization (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE), ant colony optimization (ACO),
- Big Data: Familiar with Hadoop (Java-based programming framework that supports the processing of large data sets in a distributed computing environment) Familiar with SQL & JSON
- Cloud Computing Familiar with Cloud Computing Concepts: Task Scheduling, Load Balancing, VM Migration, using CLOUDSIM in NetBeans
- Web Skills: - Ability to Web designing and developing: Advanced: HTML, CSS & WordPress Intermediate: JQuery, Bootstrap
- SEO Skills: - Google Consoles: Google analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager - SEO Optimization , YOAST, SEO Analyzing, …
- Programming Language: Advance: Python, C, C++, Matlab, LABView Intermediate: Java, C# , Android Programming beginner: PHP
- Data Base / Markup Language : Familiar with SQL, JSON, XML
- Multimedia: Corel Video Studio software (a Video Editing software), Photoshop , CUBASE , GuitarPro, ProShow Gold , VirtualDJ , Camtasia, Subtitle Edit , FromatFactory & few Multimedia Convertor Software
- Network: Windows Server 2008 R2, Active Directory, DHCP, DNS server, Cisco Packet Tracer
- Engineering Software: Ability to work with VMWare, Code Vision, Enterprise Architect, SPSS , Proteus
- OS: windows 7, windows 8, windows 10, Xp, windows Server 2008 R2, Linux Ubuntu, Android
- Other software: Cisco Packet Tracer, Office Software, Active File Recovery , AnyDesk